Webinar Outline

Stainless steel screws are widely used to fasten metal cladding and timber to structural steels, but there continues to be concern about corrosion whenever there is a bimetallic contact. More than the presence of metals in contact must be considered and this webinar will tease out the critical factors that can cause corrosion while disentangling their interactions.

Topics covered include:

  • The galvanic series with stainless steels and other metals
  • The effect of wetted area ratios and indirect metallic connections
  • Atmospheric, marine, potable water and industrial environments
  • Insulation, isolation or material change - and what is possible
  • Can galvanic effects travel down a pipe or around corners?
  • The differences between stray current (electrolysis) and galvanic corrosion
  • Useful dissimilar metal contact including coatings, batteries and more
  • Standards/codes of practice including the complication Mill Spec 889D-2022
  • Classic examples of good and bad galvanic couples. 
Presenter: Dr Graham Sussex, ASSDA Technical Specialist

Graham is a materials expert with over 30 years of experience and more than 600 technical publications to his name. Stainless steel is his specialty.


This webinar will be hosted by Zoom.