ASSDA Accreditation Code of Ethics and Practice
Accredited businesses of the Stainless Steel Specialists Register (SSSR) must:
- Aspire to the highest level of business ethics, as generally expected by the business community.
- Aspire to the highest level of industry competence through continued education, and by sharing ideas and experiences with other ASSDA Accredited businesses.
- Be honest and thorough in all business dealing, including dealings with clients, clients' customers, specifiers and other in the stainless steel and related industries.
- Undertake professional practice in a responsible, careful and diligent manner at all times and only in their relevant areas of expertise.
- Not disclose any confidential information acquired in the course of professional practice unless required to do so by law.
- Respect the privileges, rights and reputation of other accredited businesses of the SSSR.
- Not engage in any activity constituting, or leading to, a conflict of interest.
- Treat all persons fairly and equally, regardless of race, religion, gender, disability, age or ethnicity.
- Only make public statements, express opinions or give evidence on adequate knowledge. Accredited businesses shall adhere to truth in advertising standards.
- Strive to promote ASSDA Accreditation and its goals, as well as the stainless steel industry as a whole, through educational avenues, public relations opportunities and advertising media.
- Communicate non-confidential information relating to other accredited businesses violation of the Code of Ethics and Practice to ASSDA.
- Maintain appropriate levels of insurance cover throughout the full period of registration applicable to the particular state or territory of practice.
- Enable a client or subcontractor to reach an informed opinion regarding its overall capacity in order to assess risk.
- Be able to demonstrate its ability to manage and deliver projects within the specified time.
- Establish and maintain effective systems to manage the risks to the health and safety of all personnel, arising from the nature of the work performed.
- Abide by and endeavour to secure the widest possible acceptance of the Code of Ethics and Practice.